Ask for Research Ltd Terms and Conditions

Updated 04.10.2024

Acceptance of the following terms and conditions is a prerequisite for commissioning Ask for Research:


1. Market Research Society Code of Conduct

The Market Research Society (MRS) Code of Conduct forms the foundation of the processes in place to ensure the quality, reliability and robustness of the research we undertake.

Ask for Research is a Company Partner of the MRS. Angie Lowe (Managing Director) is a Certified Member of the MRS.

The Market Research Society Code of Conduct provides strict guidelines for all aspects of market research activity.

All members of Ask for Research adhere to the MRS Code of Conduct.

The Market Research Society Code of Conduct requires all of our clients to also abide by the Code of Conduct.

We can provide a hard copy of this document, or it can be downloaded from the MRS website at


2. Data Protection and Privacy

We collect personal and sensitive data for:

  • Research
  • Marketing and communications
  • The purchase/sourcing of products and services.

For research projects where personal information is collated, Ask for Research may be either:

  • The Data Controller (or joint data controller)
  • The Data Processor (in the instance where Ask for Research’s client is the Data Controller).

There are 6 lawful bases that can be used to legally collect personal data:

  • Compliance with legal obligations
  • Consent
  • Contractual necessity
  • Legitimate interest
  • Public task/public interest
  • Vital interest

The lawful basis for each research project is assessed on a project-by-project basis.

Personal data is:

  • Collected and retained only where relevant to the agreed purpose
  • Collected and treated lawfully, fairly and transparently
  • Kept accurate and up to date
  • Retained only for as long as is required for the agreed purpose
  • Securely protected.

An individual’s right under GDPR are:

  • The right not to be subject to automated decision making
  • The right of access to personal data
  • The right of rectification of personal data
  • The right to be informed
  • The right to data portability
  • The right to erasure of personal data
  • The right to object to processing
  • The right to restrict processing
  • The right to withdraw consent.

Respondents are informed of the relevant privacy policy relating to each research project.

Research findings are typically reported in an anonymous format. If otherwise, respondents are informed prior to their participation, with the reason provided and their permission granted.

Hard copy questionnaires are stored securely onsite. Unless requested otherwise by the client prior or to the point of project completion, hard copy questionnaires are destroyed after 1 year of project completion. Questionnaires are securely destroyed onsite.

Electronic data containing personal information are stored securely onsite. Unless requested otherwise by the client prior or to the point of project completion, electronic data containing personal data are deleted after 1 year of project completion.

Specific privacy policies are written and applied to meet any precise needs of individual research projects as required.

Our Managing Director, Angie Lowe BSc (Hons), MBA, CMRS, MCIM, Chartered Marketer, is the nominated Data Controller.

Further details are provided in our Privacy Policy dated 2.05.23. Our Privacy Policy is reviewed twice annually as a minimum.


3. Project proposals/tenders/specifications

Unless paid for by the client, the specification drawn up by Ask for Research for a project is the property of Ask for Research. None of the information contained is to be disclosed to or shared with any organisations or individuals outside of those directly involved with the enquiry or commissioning.


4. Project delays, cancellations and research scope

In the event of the client cancelling the project after commission, Ask for Research withholds the right to cost and charge the client for the work completed to the point of receipt of written cancellation.

In addition, a cost may be charged for non-direct costs. This could include for example, costs incurred in securing the work, income lost due to declining other client work in favour of this project and any committed costs to our own suppliers.

In the event of any delay on behalf of the client causing us to incur additional project costs, the client will be informed of this consideration (such as the need to rearrange interviewers) and the direct cost incurred would be passed onto the client.

Any delays in decisions, activity sign off or provision of information can affect the project timescales. Ask for Research proposes realistic timescales within their proposals but cannot be held responsible for any unforeseen delays in activities or delivery in project outcomes.

Whilst confident in the professionalism and thoroughness of our approach to projects and all activities we undertake, we need to highlight the fact that market research is not a precise science, and factors can occur that mean project’s objectives may not be met.

We ensure to inform clients of any difficulties or concerns with the research we undertake on their behalf as soon as this is identified, but cannot be held responsible for any factors that prevent abilities to meet its objectives, estimated costs or timescales.


5. Publication of findings

Where any of the findings of a research project are published by the client, the latter has a responsibility to ensure that these are not misleading.

If the client does not consult Ask for Research in advance the form of publication with Ask for Research, the latter is entitled to – (a) refuse permission for their name to be used in connection with the published findings and (b) publish the appropriate technical details of the project.


6. Retention of non-personal survey data

Due to their impact on storage, unless otherwise requested by the client before the payment of the final invoice, all questionnaires produced in relation to this project will be destroyed after 1 year from receipt of payment of the final invoice.

Generated non-personal survey related data files of the questionnaire data, report and supporting documentation obtained through the survey will be held electronically for 5 years from receipt of payment of the final invoice.

Unless requested by the client prior to the end of this duration, Ask for Research withholds the right to destroy all of this material after 5 years from receipt of the final payment.


7. Terms of payment

In order to cover costs incurred early on in project work, such as interviewer fees, our preferred terms of payment are to raise an invoice for 50% of the project value upon commission, 25% half way through the project and 25% upon project delivery.

Our terms are for payment within 30 days from the date of invoice.

Please note that ownership of all information, data and materials remains with Ask for Research until payment has been received and cleared in full. Dissemination of the information generated from the project to individuals or organisations other than those detailed as the client, or use of the information, is not permitted until payment has been made and cleared in full.

VAT will be charged at the standard rate to all invoices.